Monday, November 5, 2007

The Historical Structure of Scienfific Discovery

I must first ask myself the question, why is this important? I really don’t understand why chemistry is important to writing. But then I have to think about the fact that these few discoveries, such as oxygen, sodium chloride, etc., are important to our lives. If we didn’t know about any of this, we still wouldn’t know why we exist or why we are important or what our roles in society are. Besides, having all of this scientific bumbo jumbo gives writers something to write about, whether they really want to or not. It also gives us insight to the sciences and their history.

There is also the fact that these amazing aspects in life were discovered by accident. The men who discovered Sodium Chloride and Oxygen didn’t discover them on purpose, they stumbled across them. It wasn’t a faulty thing, it was actually a great thing that they were discovered.

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