Sunday, September 23, 2007

Finding Your Voice

"And the truth of your experience can only come through in your own voice."

We cannot have someone else tell our story, if we do, there will be bits and pieces missing. And for that, we need to find our own voice, so we can tell our story. And then you know, every story has more than one side to it, so you need to be able to tell your side of the story. In a court case, everyone only knows their side of the story, pieced together, you find the truth amongst the lies, which is definitely a good thing. But Lamott says that we try to copy our favorite authors which isn't something that she suggests. But for me, I think that in order to find our own voice, we need to mimic the style of others, because by doing so, we develop a mixture, that becomes ours. The great thing about our own voice is that it is the one real thing.

I guess a good way of looking at this is that our voice is just another way defining ourselves. It plays a key role in our lives as to who we are and how we think. The way we speak sure does reflect the way we think. Whether we're being serious, just messing around or not even sure what is going on. Having a voice is a good think, not in the sense so we can say everything that we want to or because we are tired of being silenced, but because it is a way to express ourselves, to let people know who we really our through our writing.

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